Sunday, March 10, 2013

what up

Sunday - Got a new camera and all that today which I liked because I cant wait to take a lot of pictures of the family and dog. Also Bear had an adventure today. He got to go to the dog park today! which he loved because we spent an hour there and he got to play with a German Shepherd pup that was a month younger them him but twice his size and a husky pup. He loved that he got to run around and play and play fight with the other dogs. He thinks he's bigger then he is because he will find the biggest dog there and attack them and try to get them to play fight with him. Twice he was running and ran into something. The first time it was the pole for where you put the dog poop bags. Then the second time he ran into another dog and clothes lined him self. Then we went to a friends house who has woods behind them and the woods have a path so we went with them and their two dogs and took Bear on a walk. Then we stayed for a while and Bear got to play with their dogs. He was the small one and scared one of there dogs to where they threw themselves up against a tree. Which we all thought was funny. The dog was fine.  So that was our adventure for the day.

Monday- So I have to start getting ready to get rid of the old furniture so we can get the new ones on Wednesday. Lucky me we have no pup right now yet here I am working on the blog instead of my homework. that is due sunday.

Wednesday- So they said they would be here between 7-11 am to drop off the living room set well they show up at 6:40 am yep woke me up but its here
That's it both the couch and love seat recline so that will be so much nicer. Bear does not know what to think yet hes still trying to figure out what to do and why he cant climb up them this time. trying to figure out if I should dye my hair today or if I should wait till Friday and do it and just straighten my hair for the meeting tomorrow. I am blessed
Friday- Wake up this morning to find out they are taking away the army TA. just like the marines did.
Army TA suspended. This is just wrong. Why take the money away from stuff for our men in uniform and their families. like closing our commissary on Wednesday's and other things. How do you expect us and them to live. You want to take something I will give the funding for MyCAA to a man in uniform I'm not going to use it, the program I want is not offered by them so why waste my time with them. that's $4,000 one man can have. Also why keep feeding our inmates luxury food give them bread and water and maybe butter and take away tv if you have to keep the tv give them basic cable or make them work for it by doing things. also take away their luxury items like internet punish them the ones who have wronged the country and not the ones who are willing to risk there life for our freedom and live their loved ones behind for long period of times to protect us. And then you have the people on welfare who have been on it for years on top of years with kids and don't want to get off there butts and look for a job to take care of their family where they don't see a reason to because the government is giving them money. or the ones who are on drugs and don't have to get tested. i agree that their should be a drug test to be on welfare. I think their was a lot more that could of been cut instead of stuff for our military and their families. Why don't our president and congress and house take a pay cut. Sequester now reading this my health care might get cut. O no you don't . Im sorry stop punishing us. Punish people who deserve it.

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