Monday, March 18, 2013

i zoned out

Monday-  So went to the docs today for the leg. got good news but also got more drugs I had to take and also got to get a fitted knee brace and also more PT! Yuck on the PT But this is a step in the right direction so hopefully this will help me with the knee pain. Then we also took Bear to the vet. He got nurtured. They all said he did a great job. the nursed said its usually for them to be quite and sleepy and when they come to bring us our meds for him she goes but I can tell you right now hes not. then when they bring him out the nurses said hes a trip. so that was good.

Tuesday- so bear came and woke us up at 4am to go to the bathroom came running into our bed room and jumped up and started licking the husbands face. we thought it was so cute and that he was so smart and amazing that he did it without having to be told and he did it so he wouldn't go in the house.
O and he lost 2 teeth.
O well big news is we found a truck we wanted and we got it. it is a 2006 chevy Colorado with only 29265 miles on it and we paid under $16500 for it. I couldn't believe it. its a black truck I am so happy to have a 2nd car now.

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